Aqua Feed Supplement

Product Category > Aqua Feed Supplement

Premium Aqua Feed Supplements for Healthy Growth

At Synbiotic Organics LLP, we are committed to promoting the healthy growth and sustainability of aquaculture through our premium organic probiotic-based feed supplements. Our scientifically formulated supplements are designed to enhance the well-being of aquatic life by supporting immune function, improving digestion and boosting overall productivity. By utilizing natural ingredients such as herbs, organic elements and probiotics, we ensure that our feed supplements not only nurture aquatic health but also support the environment. With our innovative solutions, we help aquaculture farmers achieve optimal growth, higher yields and a more sustainable approach to fish farming.

Some of our products


Specification: Combination of Probitics & Yeast, supply all the essential nutrents to fish to grow as general Tonic
Packages available in: 1 Kg & 1 Lit.


Specification: Formulation of prebiotics,proteins.fats,Minerals & Vitamins
Packages available in: 1 Kg,1 & 5 lit.


Specification: Formulation of all the micronutrents along with NPK,vitamins that help digestion & growth of phyto & zooplankton in pond.
Packages available in: 1,5 kg& 25 kg


Specification: Pre -probiotic with Herbals formulated product,help proper digestion & FCR.Work as Livertonic.
Packages available in: 1 kg, 1 lit.& 5 lit.


Specification: Herbal prepn. with Sulphur bacteria, remove argulus & any external Pathogen from gills & skin of fish.
Packages available in: 1 kg,1 & 5 lit.


Specification: Combination of Probitics,Fungus ,enzymes & PGPR bacteria,,digest & clean all shorts dirts,sludges in pond
Packages available in: 1 kg, 1 lit.& 5 lit.


Specification: Formulation of Zeolite & saponin,clear pond sludge & reduce poisonous Gasses.
Packages available in: 1 kg,5& 25 Kg.


Specification: Herbal with probiotic combination protect Prawn from white spot viral disease (WSV)
Packages available in: 1 kg, 1 lit.& 5 lit.


Specification: Herbal prepn. with naturals,remove different sp. of snails from pond.
Packages available in: 1 & 5 kg

Doctor's SynTone

Specification: Herbal Preparations,protect prawn from White Faces disease.
Packages available in: 1 & 5 lit.


Specification: Humic,Sea weeds & Protenecious composition,fertile pond bed & feed to fish.
Packages available in: 1 & 5 lit.


Specification:Probiotic Formulation,nutricious food for fish spwan,fry & seedling.
Packages available in: 1 & 5 lit.

Fish Feed: Boosting Aquaculture Success

The increasing demand for sustainable aquaculture practices has highlighted the necessity for fish feed supplements that enhance growth and health in an organic manner. Utilizing natural and organic manufacturing compositions, these supplements not only promote optimal fish development but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

Looking ahead, the integration of scientific advancements in organic feed formulations will likely revolutionize aquaculture, paving the way for more efficient and eco-friendly fish farming practices.